By makingchips

Retirement: Yes, No or Never?

In this episode of MakingChips, Jim Carr, Jason Zenger and Nick Goellner discuss  Retirement: Yes, No or Never. This could be a step in evaluating your decision whether you are a manufacturing leader at the highlight of your career or at the beginning stages of your career with plans for greatness.


  • 0:14 | Jim talks about Amper Technologies, machine monitoring system, easy to install with minimal onboarding
  • 3:08 | Jim, Jason and Nick talk about retirement, how manufacturers are approaching retirement age
  • 7:55 | The hosts  announce great news that is happening on September 23, 2021.  MakingChips is having a Celebration for Manufacturing Leaders.
  • 10:42 | Nick discusses with Jim and Jason, an article from Modern Machine Shop, March machine tool orders have been the biggest growth since 2019, unit orders have also increased
  • 15:35 | Nick, Jason and Jim mention Xometry – custom manufacturing on demand
  • 16:42 | Retirement talk.
  • 17:25 | The hosts discuss how to tell if you are ready for retirement and signs you are NOT read for retirement.
  • 29:55 | What are your takeaways from this episode? 



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